Case Study
"We Will Rock You" Music Video Production

Objective: To produce a dynamic music video for the song "We Will Rock You" by addressing challenges in shooting, editing, and syncing footage.

Production Overview

Song Choice: "We Will Rock You" was chosen as the soundtrack for the music video.
Location: The video was shot in a classroom setting to align with the theme of the song.
Camera Crew: Three camera operators were utilized to capture multiple angles and perspectives.
Scenes: The video consisted of three distinct scenes filmed within the classroom environment.

Challenges Faced

White Balance Discrepancy: The use of three different cameras resulted in varying white balance settings, leading to inconsistent color tones across footage.
Solution: Employed color grading and adjustment layers in Adobe Premiere Pro to harmonize the color balance as much as possible.
Lack of Movement: Static shots risked making the video monotonous, particularly for a music video.
Solution: Implemented scale keyframes to create a subtle sense of movement by gradually zooming in and out of selected clips.
Syncing Audio: Shortened the length of the original song due to limited footage, requiring precise synchronization between the edited footage and the music track.
Solution: Utilized meticulous editing techniques to align the shots with the shortened song length, ensuring seamless transitions and maintaining visual engagement.


Despite encountering challenges such as disparate white balance settings, static shots, and audio synchronization issues, the production team successfully produced a compelling music video for "We Will Rock You."
Through strategic editing techniques and creative problem-solving, the team overcame obstacles to deliver a visually engaging and dynamic video that complemented the energy of the song.
Cast :
Samuel Cheung - Dianna Cuahutencos - Jay Kim - Jawanza Lynch - Michelle Martinez - Mariela Ramirez - SarahJo Renelt - Quran Richardson - Kaijah Rodriguez - Nicholas Santos - Nour Mohsen
Professor Jerron Smith

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