Adobe Primer Pro Travelogue Project 
Case Study
Project Description
The purpose of the video project "A Day in Astoria" is to provide viewers with a glimpse into a typical day in the life of someone living in Astoria. The goal is to showcase the charm and everyday beauty of the neighborhood through the lens of personal experiences.
Target Audience
The target audience for the video is individuals interested in travel vlogs, city exploration, and everyday life content. This includes young adults who enjoy exploring new places and experiences.
Story or Message
The video aims to convey the laid-back and vibrant atmosphere of Astoria, highlighting the significance of simple joys found in daily routines. It portrays the neighborhood as a welcoming and diverse community filled with interesting spots to visit and experiences to enjoy.
- Planning Process: I planned to capture footage at four locations representing different aspects of my day in Astoria: QueensBridge Park, Coffee Cloud café, Astoria Park, and Regal cinema.
- Equipment and Techniques: I used an iPhone 14 Pro Max for shooting, focusing on maintaining stability to achieve steady shots. I incorporated still shots to add variety and stability to the footage.
- Consistency in Visual Style: To ensure visual consistency, I paid attention to framing, lighting, and composition across all locations. 
- Editing Workflow: I utilized Adobe Premiere Pro for editing, selecting a chill music track with a continuous beat to synchronize cuts between shots. Jump cuts were employed to maintain viewer engagement.
- Challenges and Solutions: One challenge was dealing with different video aspect ratios, which was resolved by scaling footage to match seamlessly. Additionally, I learned to double-check my shooting plan to avoid insufficient footage while editing. I had a problem with the IPhone camera switching between lenses which made a problem while zooming in and out. 
- Creative Decisions: Syncing cuts with the beat of the music enhanced the flow and pacing of the video, contributing to its overall impact.
Overall Design
- Visual Design Approach: I maintained a warm color theme throughout the video to complement the chill music choice. This created a cohesive visual experience for the audience.
- Visual Coherence and Message Communication: The warm color palette helped convey the cozy and inviting atmosphere of Astoria, aligning with the video's message of embracing simple pleasures in everyday life, that was mainly added in the Queens Bridge Park scene.
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